Monday, January 13, 2014

How to: Potion Bottle and Lon Lon Milk Necklaces

These are so easy and inexpensive to make, you may want to have one in every colour!  Red restores some hearts, blue gives you full health, green will restore your magic gauge to full, or replenish your stamina.  And then there are the less common ones, only available in a few games, such as purple Chu jelly in Twilight Princess, which generates a random effect.  Check out Zelda Wiki's potion page for more details.

Maybe you could use yellow for lantern oil?  Or find a way to make it look like one of the various soups found in-game?  Maybe using different materials you could make a fairy, fish, mushroom...  If you want to see everything Link can hold in bottles, check out the Zelda Wiki category: Bottle Items.  Using your creativity I'm sure you can come up with a way to make various items.  I digress.  Here's the instructions to make your very own potion bottle or Lon Lon milk necklaces:

What you need:

  • A clear glass bottle with a cork lid, small enough to use as a pendent (you can buy a pack at the dollar store)
  • Glycerin or uncoloured dish soap (for the potion)
  • Food colouring 
  • Small screw eye (I used 5/8")
  • Cord, or anything else you have available to use for a necklace chain 

For Lon Lon milk:

  • Substitute the glycerin and food colouring with water downed white glue or acrylic paint
  • Milk label 

To Make a Potion:

 Using a spoon if needed, pour the glycerin or dish soap into your bottle.  Be careful not to spill any...

Add food colouring to get your desired colour, using a toothpick to mix.  Be sure to get the food colouring to the very bottom.

When you're happy with, press the cork in tightly.  Make sure it is not cracked, as it could lead to leaking

 Screw your screw eye securely into the cork.  Test to make sure it will not come out, glueing it in if needed.  Thread your cord or chain through the loop.

Ta-da!  You now have a beautiful potion bottle necklace that's sure to be the envy of all you're geeky friends!  Try not to be a klutz and drop it.  Not that i dropped mine...  in class...  with my friend telling the teacher that I "broke my magic potion."  Yeah.... that was embarrassing...  Anyways...

 Lon Lon Milk Varient: 

Follow the above steps to make a potion bottle, replacing the glycerin with water downed white glue or acrylic paint.  Next you need to add your label.

I found a few online, but the one posted by Reddit user doginyellowcoat* looks the most like the one in-game.  You can find the image here.  But if you're looking for a more stylized look (these are similar to the Super Smash Bro. version), DeviantART user Sliter* has made these two lovely labels:

Version 1
Version 2
*These labels are for personal use only, as they are the artistic property of others.

Using a thin coat of white glue, paste the label onto your bottle.  Now you have some delicious, five heart restoring, Lon Lon milk!  Link must be envious...

Did you make one?  How did it turn out?  Let me know in the comments.


  1. Nice tutorial! I will make some for me XD
    btw Thanks for giving credit/link for my work, everyone I saw just edit they of from the image and stuffs ;w; I'm really glad! I I want to see what else are you going to show us ! :D

    1. Thanks!
      And you're welcome! I think it's important to give credit where credit is due. I really like your designs btw :)
